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Posted: September 18th, 2001 03:27 AM GEEKBOY'S BLACKHEART GUIDE -Why Use Blackheart? -Infinite -Strategies -Guard Break Why Use Blackheart Blackheart is one of the underestimated characters out there, people usually use him because of his ability to build super meters fast and his annoyance ability. People think Blackheart stops at the constant demon throwing and Inferno XX HoD (which I admit, those are the main factors for BH's game), but he can be used quite effectively as a rushdown character (Alex Valle is revered for this) with some pretty good combos to work with. Otherwise, BH is a pretty straightforward character, superjump, throw demons, air dash, throw more demons, land, wash, rinse, repeat. You see a missed assist, Inferno XX HoD, it'll put the hurt on the assist and chip away 10% of your opponent's life safely. Bad points about BH include his size, his speed and his dash, he's too big for his own good, he's not exactly the fastest car on the block and his dash is the slowest in the game and it's not very useful (at least I can't find any good uses for it) you certainly can't wave dash with BH, that's a fact. Playing smart with BH is a very key part to his game, you have to be careful, you must bait your opponent into doing stupid things that land you a free Inferno XX HoD, either while on point or as a counter, counter Inferno is a great thing to have as well, since it's really good to use against people who throw out random supers a lot, it makes them think twice about doing that again. Of course, the demons (or goblins, whatever you want to call them) are a big part of BH's game, they build meter, stun and provide a shield while superjumping around. We'll start with the RH demons: -Stun, so if you land you can go for a combo or straight for a HoD -Build LOTS of meter if they hit, think 7 fierce hits in a row that connect -If you superjump, they fall straight to the ground at or near the opponent, discouraging them from jumping up and trying to attack you in a somewhat vulnerable state -Can provide an elongation on your air dash, superjump, throw one set then air dash and press RH, if you do it right, you "drift" across the screen some more, I don't like using it because you're vulnerable during that time. This also works with the FP demons. FP demons: -They track and act as a shield when you jump around the place, discouraging attacking you while you're moving around. -Builds LOTS of meter too, 6 fierce hits in a row -Cancels out fireballs or fireball like items -Provides elongation on air dash Infinite BH has one of the more easier infinites to learn, but it's hard for BH to actually set it up himself without the use of an assist. It's performed by: sj.RH, dash B, sj.RH, land, repeat. The way the infinite works is because of the air dash and the stun the person gets from the infinite, think of it like Thanos Bubble Infinite, but harder to escape. Set it up by Cyclops AAA, it does it the best, I've pulled it off with Commando AAA, but it was hard, because Commando knocks out, Cyclops works the best. You can end it by landing, and doing Inferno XX HoD (wow, this just solves EVERYTHING!). This infinite is pretty simple, does some pretty good damage and it looks funny on some characters (Cable = closed eye and twitching, Sentinel = time out KO). Use it when you can, you build TOO much meter with this infinite. Strategies -Ground Game -His c.LK, c.LK chain with an assist that can come out fast enough to capitalize will be your main weapon most of the time. Cyclops for the infinite, Commando for an Inferno XX HoD -I don't suggest using his Dark Thunder attack a lot, but it's good for stopping out early jump ins with the FP version, LP version can be punished by speedy supers -BH's ground dash properties are weird, you can get hit by projectiles, but you can't be touched by physical attacks, this is good to use against some rushdown characters, dash to get out of dodge and get up in the air with some goblin throwing -When you fight repetitive Cable players, those who sj.FP and grenade all day, throw out an Inferno XX Judgement Day, they don't suspect it a lot of the time and it really makes them think twice about trying to get you jacked up. -Air Game -Like I noted before, superjump with demons to attack and cover yourself. -Elongate your air dashes when your fighting Cable players, helps you get inside to try to hurt him. -Jump in with either j.RH or j.LK, RH works pretty well, but you need a guarenteed hit for it to work for you, I use j.LK a lot. -If you're going for an air combo with BH, do it in style: Launch, sj.LP, sj.LK, sj.LP, air dash F, sj.LP, sj.LK, P throw, it's too good. Guard Break When the opponent is coming in from a dead character or snapback in the corner, do j.LP, land, launch. I THINK you can do an Inferno while they're jumping in and XX HoD, it might work, it's iffy. __________________ GeekBoy: WTF are you lookin' at? Guides: Cable Iron Man Storm Magneto Dhalsim Doom Spiral Sentinel Strider Commando Blackheart Last edited by GeekBoy on September 18th, 2001 at 05:36 AM IP: Logged Joe Darque BLACIDEVIL Posts: 783 Registered: Nov 2000 Location: Inside your most greatest fears Posted: September 18th, 2001 04:01 AM nice guide GB as usual. heres one good use for his dash. if you hold forward he goes a little further and also goes through characters which kinda opens up cross up abilities. hers an example. jump in with HK demons, land, call Doom AAA, dash (hold forward), wait till Domm finished, s. LKx2,call Doom again,Dash under again, repeat. it doesnt make a good trap cuz theres a few openings but its a good use for the dash. __________________ JDX-0079 IP: Logged Sentinels Force Team Miami Posts: 957 Registered: Mar 2001 Location: Miami, Florida , United States Posted: September 18th, 2001 04:15 AM -When you fight repetitive Cable players, those who sj.FP and grenade all day, throw out an Inferno XX HoD, they don't suspect it a lot of the time and it really makes them think twice about trying to get you jacked up. [qoute] well the problem with that is that if a cable player has bars as soon as the screen skips he can do the mofified HVB and blackheart is completely helpless nothing he can do unless the cable player slows down when he does the modified HVB thats why when a cable players likes to throw fp then grenades all day i do inferno judgement day because if it he takes it or not either blackheart will recover faster than he does if he eats the super or not and he can go on the attack or if not do the inferno H.O.D. to do more chipping and theres is nothing the cable player can do __________________ S.O.D. Sentinel of Destruction Sentinel: haaa rocket punch shit fly IP: Logged Chuckles8421 AHVB That Shit!! Posts: 73 Registered: Jul 2001 Location: Napa, CA (AKA The Worst Place to Try to Play MVC2 Ever) Posted: September 18th, 2001 04:24 AM Great guide geekboy. I just thought that i would add that after the guard break, if you do the launcher xx armageddon, it does insanely large amounts of damage, and i think that you can otg if you are in the corner, but im not sure about that. __________________ September 11, 2001: Yet another day that will live in infamy forever. The events that conspired on that date must NEVER be forgotten. IP: Logged qUiCkStRiKe Member Posts: 41 Registered: Jun 2001 Location: Posted: September 18th, 2001 04:31 AM great guide geekboy and i do a different guardbreak with blackheart cuz i jump and do a j.hp before they come out so they get block the demons and after i launch and i usually do a infernoxxHOD or armageddon... or i do a air combo. IP: Logged captainsaveahoe A.K.A -D.E.F- Posts: 264 Registered: Apr 2001 Location: LoS AnGeLeS Posted: September 18th, 2001 04:33 AM [qoute} this is good to use against some rushdown characters, wavedash to get out of dodge and get up in the air with some goblin throwing [endqoute] U cant wave dash with bleakheart like u said must be a typo any strats when its blackkheart/capcom vs cable/doom they use doom to stop capcom and rush in then jump back shoot vb then repeat. then i cant call in capcom because doom. i can punish, doom beacuse he jumps back and shoots, and vb. how do i over come this? __________________ R.I.P Aaliyah IP: Logged Dark-Angel JET WILL RULE FOR EVER!!! Posts: 279 Registered: Jun 2001 Location: NEGROS DE MIERDA PARECEN CUCARACHAS Q SE AMONTONAN EN LA BASURA!!!!! Posted: September 18th, 2001 04:52 AM Great Guide __________________ dark, mysterious force unleashed by an evil spirit. The tranquil village of Norun was no match for such immense power. In blink of an eye, destruction was compete. And this being is your worst nightmare. I am darkness I am the dark one. :´¯`·. .·´¯`: '·. •`·. .·´• .·' `:--·´ `·--:´ ;´`; `·. ' ' .·´ ; ; ;`·-·´; (¯' '¯ IP: Logged Gellon Member Posts: 31 Registered: Aug 2001 Location: singapore Posted: September 18th, 2001 06:05 AM HoD can be punished due to a flying screen. esp AHVB. __________________ trap that shit down! IP: Logged Terazon Senior Member Posts: 253 Registered: Aug 2000 Location: Posted: September 18th, 2001 03:58 PM Here are a few random thoughts of mine. I hope you find them useful. Blackheart would suck huge if it wasn't for his airdash. During superjumps it removes all recovery after firing down hk or hp. Without this he'd just be cannon fodder. [Harsh thing to say concerning he is my favorite character but it is true IMO] It is essential to effective Blackheart play. It is possible to add an extra hit to the air combo. Launch, slight pause, tap up [superjump], lp, resetting pause, lp, lk, mp, airdash, lp, lk, mp, mk. I can do this to Roll now [Not Servbot yet though i did it succesfully once. I was practicing it on my Dreamcast so I can use it in the arcade]. Note concerning air combo listed above: If the victim isn't near the corner, omitt the last 2 moves and replace them with an air throw. If they are in the corner omitt the last hit in favour of an air throw. You can also omitt the throw so it ends on the mp, come down with them, and try to hit them low as soon as they land so they eat the assist you called when you hit the ground. Just another minor mind game till beginners catch on. Engaging flying screen is dangerous. His superjump MK is suicidal, and his HOD is risky vs Cable. End all air combos with his punch throw. My suggestion concerning this character is to take a sheet of paper, examine what every move looks like, brainstorm all the possible uses for his every move and then cross off the uses that don't work. Then attempt them on the computer. If they prove useful, try them on a player. If they are useful for the things you seek them for, permanently add the use to your arsenal. This holds doubly true for his hp and hk. [Note: this rule can and should be applied to all characters in all fighting games] As long as the opponent blocks all of the HOD, you can not only call assists, but block, airdash, or even attack [possibly all 3] Here is another little thing I have been working on. Try to call an assist like Storm-a, superjump, airdash really low, and come down on them with lk, mk, launch and go. I have another bunch of guardbreaks. 1]Kill a character in the corner jumping hp [stripping hit], execute one of the following... -Call Cyclops [this hits], infinite. -Air or ground Judgememt day -Launch and rape 2]Inferno, HOD. Do this as the opponent falls in. 3]Hiroshim Irby [Hiro] GB Call assist and jump back hp in hopes they will jump into the hp. A Glitched juggernaut punch nails them so you can inferno HOD them. [70% damage] Beware of Iceman since only a ground or air Judgement day will chip him and the fact that his Icebeam penetrates the demons on the same plane they fly on. This means it will hit BH if he flying hk even if the hk obstructs it [otherwise it will just whiff harmlessly]. 8/10 is how high I'd rate this guide. Last edited by Terazon on September 18th, 2001 at 04:02 PM IP: Logged bison812 Senior Member Posts: 250 Registered: Jul 2000 Location: Raleigh, NC where ever the comp is then im there Posted: September 18th, 2001 04:05 PM strong guide again geekboy BH is a very strong and effective character but i learned alot from your guide thanks __________________ The key to being a good player is practice and strong determination except if your a scrub IP: Logged Raz0r ANTI-RUSH THAT SHIT DOWN Posts: 684 Registered: Mar 2001 Location: Jersey City, NJ. Also in Chinatown Fair every Friday. Posted: September 18th, 2001 07:35 PM Hrm, not a bad guide. I also have my own shit to add, especially since the new Team Watts phase has hit. In the corner, go in for a j. lk,, land, c. lk + Commando assist,, inferno XX HoD, before they land, hit s. hk. The demons in turn will hold them in place and you can start the ground infinite, just go up to them and press lk, hk. It will reset the damage and just go for the j. lk,j. lk. . . again. VERY massive damage. This is how I own Cables. This leaves a very small window of opportunity for them to to counter so it makes it pretty useful. Also, with Sent/Commando, you can get them in the corner and press c. lk, s. lp, rocket punch XX HSF, dash and launch,sj. lp, sj. lk, sj. lp, sj. lk, fly, go next to them and FP throw, f. lk + Commando, f. hp, Up rocket punch. Peace out. __________________ Team |\/|urda! Genghis: "As for Strider/Doom, he (yes strider/doom is one character)" IP: Logged jballa1 Member Posts: 52 Registered: Aug 2001 Location: Orlando Fl Posted: September 19th, 2001 01:37 AM Great guide geekboy. But i have a question. Do the demons do chip damage? And if they do which one do chip hp demons or rk demons? IP: Logged GeekBoy 707's Freakazoid Posts: 988 Registered: Jun 2001 Location: Reppin' da 707, bok! Posted: September 19th, 2001 01:42 AM quote: Originally posted by jballa1 Great guide geekboy. But i have a question. Do the demons do chip damage? And if they do which one do chip hp demons or rk demons? Demons do no chip damage. Only people who's normals do chip damage are Sentinel and I think Juggernaut. __________________ GeekBoy: WTF are you lookin' at? Guides: Cable Iron Man Storm Magneto Dhalsim Doom Spiral Sentinel Strider Commando Blackheart IP: Logged Optiks Rock Star Extraordinaire Posts: 373 Registered: Nov 2000 Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Posted: September 19th, 2001 01:46 AM quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Demons do no chip damage. Only people who's normals do chip damage are Sentinel and I think Juggernaut. Hulk's normals chip. As do some of Jin's. __________________ "If they give you ruled paper, write the other way." - Juan Ramón Jiménez IP: Logged Random idiot Bum Posts: 66 Registered: Nov 2000 Location: NJ, 3 hours away from the Break -_- Posted: September 19th, 2001 01:59 AM quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Demons do no chip damage. Only people who's normals do chip damage are Sentinel and I think Juggernaut. And Iced S.Sam. __________________ Just some random idiot. IP: Logged Shoto Skills The last living shoto Posts: 172 Registered: May 2001 Location: san diego Posted: September 19th, 2001 04:20 AM quote: Originally posted by Gellon HoD can be punished due to a flying screen. esp AHVB. i could never figure out how 2 AHVB after HoD. does it need 2 be in the corner or full screen or wat? __________________ A world without shotos.... is a world without a good fighting game. IP: Logged Rucker+)3esT Junior Member Posts: 2 Registered: Sep 2001 Location: Hawaii Posted: September 19th, 2001 07:47 PM Nice guide Geekboys, and if your using capcom aaa with BH do you throw demons in the ari dash, land and random capcom assists then jump demons air dash? or is there a certain order? also, which launcher do you guys use? lp. mp.? __________________ You play me, you get played. Lyrical Morpheus. IP: Logged Sentinels Force Team Miami Posts: 957 Registered: Mar 2001 Location: Miami, Florida , United States Posted: September 19th, 2001 09:58 PM -When you fight repetitive Cable players, those who sj.FP and grenade all day, throw out an Inferno XX Judgement Day, they don't suspect it a lot of the time and it really makes them think twice about trying to get you jacked up. [qoute] yeah buddy boy thanks for the not thanking for correcting ur dumbass u went back and edited ur post about inferno HoD when i told u in my post that inferno judgement is better because it doesnt have a skip screen and cabel cant bust ur ass because u recover way before he does but whatever i shouldve known from ur cable magneto and commando guides that ur nothing but a super scrub come on with cable that its not good to jump fp and keep throwing grenades what a scrub thats one of cables useful tactics to build bars and hurt the opponent and ur magneto guide do launcher lp,lk,hp then lp,lk,lp,lk dash upward lp,lk,lp lp,lk,lp,lk comnbo builds two bars what a dummy ,sir the combo fdoesnt build two bars it barely builds one u need some help u need some skills also because all ur telling everyone from ur guides is how much crap u discovered and that u dont know shit about marvel peaceout super scrub __________________ S.O.D. Sentinel of Destruction Sentinel: haaa rocket punch shit fly IP: Logged Terazon Senior Member Posts: 253 Registered: Aug 2000 Location: Posted: September 19th, 2001 11:43 PM quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy Demons do no chip damage. Only people who's normals do chip damage are Sentinel and I think Juggernaut. Juggernaut's normal moves inflict no guard damage [I just checked using my dreamcast because I wanted to be sure] which IMO is retarded. Especially when he does around the same damage [possibly more than] and is slower than Hulk. IP: Logged mr_d sHoUtHoUtS tO cReW fLuX Posts: 95 Registered: Apr 2001 Location: Stevenson Ranch, Ca Posted: September 20th, 2001 12:40 AM quote: Originally posted by Shoto Skills i could never figure out how 2 AHVB after HoD. does it need 2 be in the corner or full screen or wat? If a blackheart does HoD while you are not in the screen of the corner then let the last hit (the explosion) hit you. You will go flying into the corner. As soon as you recover(really quickly) do a AHVB. Blackheart will be in a dash and won't be able to do shit. latez. __________________ ~If U hAd ThE lEtTeRs "HrT" i CaN aDd "Ea" AnD gEt "HeArT" oR "u" AnD gEt "HuRt" BuT i`D rAtHeR cHoOsE "u" AnD gEt "HuRt" ThAn HaVe A "hEaRt" WiThOuT "u"~ ~gOoD fRiEnDs ArE lIkE sTaRs, YoU dOn'T aLwAyS sEe ThEm, BuT yOu KnOw ThEy ArE tHeRe~ IP: Logged antinewbies182 Who want some? Posts: 102 Registered: May 2001 Location: Puerto Rico Posted: September 20th, 2001 01:39 AM All this guides are awsome! But the problem of this one is that I dont use BH many often , nut is important to know something about all characters and fight vs them . Thx for all your guides , keep going ! -anti- __________________ Maagnuuuss leave me alooone !!!! IP: Logged All times are GMT. The time now is 01:56 AM. Forum Rules: You may post new threads. You may post replies. You may post attachments. You may edit your posts. Posting Rules: HTML code is OFF. 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